Norwayne Middle School
This web page is designed to give you information on what our school counseling program has to offer. Our program is a collaborative approach with the input and support from teachers, students and parents. The purpose of the counseling program is to support and meet the needs of all our students. Our comprehensive NMS Guidance and Counseling Program facilitates student development in three broad areas, academic, personal/social, and career, which are aligned with the National Standards for School Counseling. Our program does this through individual and group counseling, classroom guidance, and consultation and collaboration with parents and teachers. If you have any questions or would like more information regarding the school counseling program and services, you may contact NMS school counselor, Jodi Klauss.
Mrs. Jodi Klauss, Licensed Professional School Counselor
Phone: 330-435-1195
E-mail: [email protected]
"A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step."- Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher